1. Independent reviews and evaluations

 Leading or supporting:

> Design of an evaluation to be commissioned

> Conduct of an evaluation

> Quality assurance/peer review of an evaluation

> Meta analysis/synthesis of multiple ​evaluations

Photo credit: Bernard Broughton, 2019

Kumi, Uganda - Disaster Risk Reduction evaluation for the Red Cross 

The Irawaddy River in flood, Katha Myanmar

Photo credit: Bernard Broughton, 2019

3. Training courses

Designing and conducting short courses on:

> Managing evaluations including ToR, inception reports, quality assurance

> Designing projects/programs including intervention logic and theory of change

> Developing M&E frameworks and associated templates and tools

> Developing real time disaster management monitoring/management procedures and tools 

Photo credit: Bernard Broughton, 2015

Acholi, northern Uganda - Evaluation focus group discussions

Photo credit: Bernard Broughton, 2014

Sagaing State, Myanmar - field work for micro-finance program review


 Evaluation Specialist

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2. Program design, monitoring and learning systems

 Developing or advising on:

> Project or program design including the intervention logic, theory of change and/or M&E framework

> Performance measures including quantitative and qualitative indicators

> Templates including for monitoring visit, annual plans and reports

> Databases and dashboards