Nakapirpirit, Karamoja, Uganda

 Evaluation Specialist

Photo credit: Bernard Broughton, 2016

Recent design work

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RedR Australia and Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) 2017-18 > Design, monitoring and evaluation specialist assisting DFAT and RedR develop program logic, MEAL system, annual reporting template and individual specialist reporting templates for new Australia Assists deployment facility

New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) 2016 > Team leader for the development of a Joint New Zealand – Australia Humanitarian Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Sudden Onset Disasters in the Pacific designed to improve efficiency, the evidence-base for results and the application of learning to future responses 


Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) 2014-17 > M&E advisor for various tasks including developing DFAT's Humanitarian Activity Quality Check template and rating matrix, and developing an M&E plan and templates for assessing the usefulness of Australian Humanitarian Supplies

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) 2014 > Assisted the Uganda Coffee Development Authority design a national 25-year coffee development strategy - the Uganda National Coffee Strategy 2015-2040